Sunday, December 10, 2006

Your Bank is your Mind

and your Mind is the Bank (resources of wealth)

The most resourceful place where deposits and withdrawals are made.
It is the Lord God that gives us the ability to get wealth
You only perish when you lack knowledge
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.

You are put on the earth to give God an answer of Thanks and Praise.
You give Thanks and Praise when you come into the knowledge of God, the Goodness of God, the Love of God. and be come a co creator with him.

You are put here to take dominion
To name things
Adam named

You are put here to take dominion
to love God
to love thy neighbor as thyself
to create
to create solutions
To solve problems
To manifest prosperity
to express God
to keep his Commandments
and to Thank and Praise The Most High God in all that you do.

Love Prophetess Carmen

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